Saturday, January 4, 2014

My Asian-ness Resurfacing

Hello everyone!
I just realised I haven't blogged in like *counts with fingers*
A very long time. O.o
Mostly, I was bored, mostly I was too irritated to write anything prim and proper. So I kinda just left my Blogger Account in a corner of my mind to wander until I picked him up again. And soooo.... today I felt like writing about something. And it's going to be about me and my Korean Dramas :D

Okay, so there's this website, I go on a lot, called ShowBoom. Basically, it's a site for the Korean people who are overseas, but want to watch Korean T.V (<=== ME). From this website, you can watch nearly all of the Main Korean T.V Channels live, and they also record nearly all of the new Korean Dramas that are happening. And Jeebus Christ I love this Website because of it. So... Back in the days ( Not very long ago) when I was still in Year 10 (Once again, not very long ago) I was completely addicted to this Korean Drama, named 'The Inheritors'. It's some typical Korean Drama about where two people fall in love but due to some circumstances this can't happen because blah blah blah. BUT, the reason I was addicted to this Drama, was because of
1) Its dialogue,
And 2) The actors that were cast.
Ok, so in English speaking countries you have Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Hiddleston, blah blah blah. All very suave, all very cool. Then there's their Korean Equivalents, 이민호 & 김우빈. And Jeesus christ, the latter is an amazing Actor. This was his first major role as an actor, and BOOM. Because of this Drama, he started out really big.

 This Drama had 25% of Korea's Population watching it. 25%
Can you imagine 25% of Australia's population all watching one Drama on Wednesday and Thursday nights at 9pm?

And theeeennnnn..... The Drama ended. And then I was sad. Because no more Korean Drama.

And then!
A new Drama popped up. It's still showing. It replaced the Inheritors time slot, and also is nearly overtaking the Inheritor's position on the Korean Drama Popularity Ladder.

But Yeah. I need to go watch more Korean dramas D:

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Marray Chrastmas?


Something indicates that I'm not too excited about christmas
OMG I even spelt it with non-capital letters :O

Such Speel
Much Chrastmis



Friday, December 20, 2013

That Bad Recording Quality :P

Weeeelllllll.... I got bored... so I looked up something rather nostalgic (for me anyways :< ) and then I just learnt most of it, but most of its still not good enough for recording quality, so I thought I might give you guys a small fraction of what I'm playing. Brydie, Dh, You guys should know this song pretty well ;)

Link to Piano-ish-ness :

I'll be disappointed if you don't know it Brydie and DH ;)

Monday, December 9, 2013

That was the Most Bloody Short Hiatus Ever

I already miss you guys and with the first day of the holidays, let's cease this damned three-four? day hiatus and get on with the blogging again! XD
(I just really needed to write shit down -.-;)

On the First Day of the Holidays, my Mama said to me. "Get off your ass you lazy son of a bitch and go work on the garden for an hour! :)"
Ok. So first of all, I HATE school holidays. Mainly because they usually aren't holidays for me. So, you may have heard this quote a while back in my old blog, but here's what my mum said about holidays.
"Holidays are a blessed time for people like you to catch up on all the work, and then do some more".


Yeah. So, I think from the above quote, it's not too hard imagining what I've been doing today.
I'm kinda having fun though. My sister is finally back, so I have someone else other than my rather pissed off mum O.o. I have absolutely no idea why she's so pissed. Like, on Sunday she was completely fine. And then today, this morning, just BOOM!. She's pissed off. Aaand so I can't do much really. But it's still good fun trying to weasel my way out of everything she tells me to do. As everything she's telling me to do is purely to spite me currently, (as she's very pissed off at me for some reason O.o) and the tasks are usually quite counter-productive. When I was gardening, the wind was blowing pretty hard. Despite that, my mum told me to grab a plastic bag, and go out there and pick up all the bits of tanbark and leaves off of our gravel lawn and stick em in the plastic bag. Now, I don't know whether she knew it was that windy outside or not (she probably did) but I'm pretty sure that even if I did pick up the bits of tanbark, bits would just blow back in again. So I went outside, picked up the bits of tanbark, stuck em in the plastic bag, and watched in hopelessness as more bits flew from other gardens into mine. After around twenty minutes of this, I went back inside, told mum it was too windy to do anything, and then she told me that I was a lazy little shit and that if I went outside and got a job and worked liked this, I wouldn't ever get anywhere. Fair enough, but could she like, seriously not call me names whilst doing this? Okay fair and dandy you're kinda giving me advise on jobs, but could you just omit the 'Lazy little shit' part?
She always tells me that
"If you act like this inside the house, then you're gonna act like this outside the house, and let's see how people treat you then you little fucker".
And sometimes, it's just so stupid, and she's just being so hypocritical.Think about it, if she acts like this inside the house... Finish the Quote.
"If you act like a bitch inside the house mum, then you're gonna act like this outside the house, why don't you go outside and tell everyone that they're little fuckers, and see how they treat you then".

I honestly don't know how calling me a lazy little shit and 'Fucker' is going to make me treat her any better.

I really don't O.o

Welp, hope you guys are having better holidays :D
Peace out guys (and girls)

My mum's a bitch. In case you didn't know already.
My mum's a bitch.

Friday, December 6, 2013

It's all over... Wow

Oh god, wow I actually feel like I'm going to cry. That's a first.(not)
I wanted to write something really fantastic, and energising to everyone so that they could read it and kinda cheer up. But looks like that's not going to happen. Looks like I'm just going to tell everybody how much I actually hated them. Which is very little. :)

Right... Where to begin, where to begin. Why don't I start from the start of year 7.
I was a small korean kid with a bowl cut, coming to a new school, where everybody seemed to already know each other. You wouldn't believe how nervous I was. I didn't know whether I'd fit in, or whether I would be any good at the things they offer me at the school (Which I soon found out was, no... Unless it was something other than academics :P ). I didn't know anyone, except for my sister, but I didn't really particularly want to 'hang out' as they said in High School, with my sister. But I ended up doing that anyway. I joined a LEAP class, and I oggled at the timetable (it was fancy stuff at the time ok?). I was scared, rather bored because I didn't know anyone, (Except for Justin ;) We have a history) and suddenly, everyone and everything at High School seemed so intimidating. I soon got over that. My first real friend I got to know properly, was Nick. I still remember when I first saw him. He had his science book in front of his face, in hopes that Ms Cheung wouldn't see him and mark him off on the roll. I don't know what he was trying to achieve with that though, considering his name was written on the book. I remember thinking, 'What a weird kid'. Then turning back to my book filled with empty pages, and even emptier chairs at empty tables (Les Mis reference :D Anyone?). And from then on, things got a lot better. I met even more friends, (Nick seemed to be a friend magnet), and by the end of Year 7, and moving on to year 8, I had found a new set of friends. Suddenly, everything looked like it was going to be alright.
Year 8 came along, and I'm not sure that's when I first met my now permanent group of friends, but that is when I belive, me and Nick met Alfred, Patrick, Tallulah, Dan, Nasim, Claire, and ect. (Sorry I can't remember who else was there). Me and Nick would play handball, and that small group of friend would come and go as they pleased. And as the seasons rolled along, eventually, me and Nick veered away from the handbill courts, and we got integrated into a new society.
I was very happy then. I found new and interesting people. Holy shit, I found people who played Sax. Omg, another Piano player! FINALLY! HOLY SHIT THESE GUYS KNOW THAT KOREA EXISTS! OMG THESE GUYS ARE AMAZING WTF!
I had great fun, and even with all the drama that flew around the group like a small hurricane, and decided to sweep by every Band Tour (Cough Year 8 Cough), I had new friends. Something and people to look forward to at school. I learnt that people aren't always dickheads. I learnt that people can be really nice, and that I'm not the only pianist age 13. I learnt that holy shit there's so many good pianists out there.I found something that made me happy. Hell, I even managed to squeeze in a very short but rather tragic love life in-between there somewhere. Seriously don't ask me about that. I'm actually going to slap you if you do. :D. (And it was not your fault but mine, and it was your heart on the line *Go finish the lyrics to this chorus cause I can't be fucked to write them down*)
Year 8 was fun. Screw the reports. Screw all the drama that buzzed around like angry little wasps. Screw everything bad that happened then. Smile and cry because it happened.

Year 9 rolled around lazily, and wow, suddenly we're the half-seniors of Lyneham High. Funnily enough, Year 9 doesn't feel like such a long time ago. Teehee. Year 9 Band camp. That was funny. Lots of awkwardness, freaky David Power stuff, lots of morning coffee, and Taka's Breadroll, that made me, Jamie, Alfred AND Taka late to rollcall. The happy fun times bus rides, the creepy Witches in Britches, the epic performances <3 Steel & Amparito Roca, Just. A short, happy moment in my hopefully long life.

But... Year 10.
Although I've already said too much, I still feel like there's so much more I want to say. I want to thank people, I want to tell people I hate them, I want to tell people how I actually feel about them, I want to scream and cry and laugh and hug people. I want to run around outside, I want to ride to everyone's houses, I want to see everyone again, I want to relive my life as a year 10 again. As Julian actually said, I would do it all over again. I felt like Year 20 might never end. That it would be this one happy chapter in my life, repating over and over again. And eventually that might get boring, but just for everything that happened. There was so much I missed out on, so much I could have done. So much I SHOULD have done. but now everything is over. It's all over. And Year 10 is done. My final day as a Year 10 was Today. I don't know the date today. But I will (probably forget) always remember this day. Never have I met such better friends. And never could I ask any more from all of my friends. And I know you;'re all going to Dickson next year. Nearly all of you. Nearly. There are a few friends who are now leaving my side, to attend school at the other side of Canberra. Friends whom I may never see again. Maybe I'll see them at Graduation Assembly. Maybe I'll never see them again. Maybe I'll see them on the roads and then crash into them. Who knows. But I'm saying my goodbyes here on this blog. Because you guys were awesome. I'll never forget you.

Nick. Hey buddy. If you're reading this... well IDK, if you're reading this then just remember dude. You got a friend in me. When the road looks. Tough ahead, and you;re miles and miles from your nice warm - shit that's Toy Story (Doctor Who spoof :D). But. Hey friend. When you go to Bundah. Don't forget that weird hyperactive Korean Kid who was your best friend. I can't put into words how awesome our friendship was, and I won't try to describe how thankful I was that you and me were friends. Now that it's all coming to an end... well. See Ya buddy. Keep in touch yeah?

And everyone Else
Alfred H-... Hi, I'll see you at Dickson :D
Tallulah- ... Keep on palying the piano. Nuff said.:D
Dan-... Keep being tall. Nuff said.:D
Nasim-... Keep being awesome. Nuff Said. :D
Brydie-... Keep on singing. Nuff Said :D
Claire-... You go do that oceanography course. Nuff said. :D
Claudia-... Keep being loud. I'll need an indicator to see if you're in my vicinity. Nuff Said. :D
Zoe-... Well. You keep drinking that milk and liking elephants. Nuff Said. :D Oh and keep watching friends.
Caspian-... Wear them caps boy. I'll see you on LoL. Nuff Said. :D
Georgia-... You keep being the smart one. Yeah? Nuff Said. :D
D to the H-... You keep being korean. My one and only Koeran buddy (Excluding Kiwi). Nuff Said. :D


Love You All. :D

You guys are just awesome. I actually love all of you in the most platonic way. Except fir maybe one person ;) You know who you are. ;)

<3 Y'all.
C You all at Grad Assembly, or at Dickson

And with this, this blog, Over the Rainbow, and Under the Hill is officially on hiatus. Due to my lack of blog writing skills, and the rather unfortunate flooding of my house due to obsessive crying over the people I've lost who are going to Narabundah, this blog will officially cease until I say so. Which will be about until the next cool thing pops up.
Until then, Ta-ta

Monday, November 25, 2013

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Bwahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaa Whee! Happeh Fun Timez!

I am back. Not that I was gone anywhere, just..... Yeah you know

So I haven't really been paying attention to this blog. And that's for two reasons.
1) I needed some actual good material to write down, because I can't just go ahead and write shit down now D: Like, even if I tried to sit down and force myself to write something, undoubtedly it would have come out as this jumbled mess of emotion, random poetry, and raging at parents! It helps when you're really in a 'blogging' mood because then everything flows so much more easily! :D
P.s I quit on writing the second part of mum raging. For
1a) My memory forgot half of the rest of the rage because I just said 'Fuck it'.
1b) No more raging and stuff. :P

2) I just didn't feel like it. It was great fun just not really caring about things, but now everything feels... different. I've grown a little bit taller for one :P And now the Korean Adults around me are actually starting to treat me much more differently than they used to. Everything feels so formal. And suddenly, I feel a lot more pressure and responsibility. I also however, feel like there are now some restrictions I have to place on myself, in order to 'conform' (*Shudder* I hate that word) with society.

Speaking of 'Formal' that also brings me to another thing. Now I've heard lots of people around me shouting and singing about formal and 'Oh how pretty this dress or suit' was, but wow. I really did not expect such a reaction when I told my mum 'I'm wearing jeans to formal'. Now, hush, if you're currently shouting at the screen, 'YOU'RE WEARING JEANS TO FORMAL??!?!?!', because if you are, post your address down in the comments below and I'll come and snap your neck for you :).
I have no idea why people are getting so psyched up about formal wear, nor can I understand why people are going out of their way to dress up for an occasion. The thing is, I'm in this period, and will be for the next half a year or so, where I'm growing rapidly. And truth be told, I'm probably not going to wear a suit (If I buy one) more than once, then I'm going to have to chuck it away. So no point in me buying a suit anyway. And besides. It's just a Year 10 Formal. Sure it's a pretty (small) big deal, ladela it's like a very big social, except just for Year 10's blah blah, OMG we're graduating.
Ok let me get my thoughts straight.
1) Why is everyone so tight about formal wear? My mum made the argument that 'It's called formal because you have to wear something formal there or they'll kick you out'. And I kinda just said ' Mum... If it's going to be like that, what's the point of me paying 160 dollars so I HAVE to wear a suit to what might be a hot canberran night?'. Does it say anywhere that I HAVE to wear a suit? Does it say anywhere that I CAN'T wear what I want there? Is there some kind of smallprint that says you'll get kicked out if you're not wearing 'Proper attire'? No! So I think I have every single right to wear WHATEVER I want to formal, and NOBODY should be complaining about it. HECK If I wanted to I could wear PYJAMAS to formal. My Point is, if I'm saying I want to wear Jeans to formal, then none of you should be trying to stop me. If I get embarrassed, then I get embarrassed.  You people don't get hurt. So don't interfere :)

2) What goes well with Black Jeans?

C Yall
Happeh Fun Timez